21 February 2019
Workers lose out to Labor’s dithering on Adani
NORTH Queenslanders desperate for work at Adani’s proposed Carmichael Mine are being left in the lurch by Townsville’s three State Labor MPs. Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto blasted Townsville’s MP Scott Stewart, Thuringowa MP Aaron Harper and Mundingburra MP Coralee O’Rourke over their unwillingness to stand up for the region and tell their Brisbane counterparts to […] READ MORE -
14 February 2019
Dametto puts insurers on notice over flood recovery
INSURANCE companies who fail to pay up to customers affected by North Queensland’s devastating floods face a monumental public backlash and will be run out of the region, says Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto. In a Private Member’s Statement delivered in parliament this afternoon, Mr Dametto threatened to “name and shame” insurance companies who failed to […] READ MORE -
13 February 2019
Commercial operators cut adrift by Labor
A DRACONIAN regulation which enforces the use of tracking systems on fishing vessels has been upheld by Labor despite efforts by Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto to have it quashed. The State Government used its numbers last night to vote down a disallowance motion of the Fisheries (Vessel Tracking) Amendment Regulation 2018, which was quietly passed […] READ MORE -
11 February 2019
Flood recovery needs full government focus: Dametto
HINCHINBROOK MP Nick Dametto has urged the State Government to throw its full weight behind North Queensland’s mammoth flood recovery effort by suspending this sitting week of parliament. In an extraordinary move, Mr Dametto said now was not the time to be “playing politics in Brisbane” while thousands of North Queenslanders were left to count […] READ MORE -
18 October 2018
Dametto puts government on notice over crime
During a speech in parliament in October, I put the government on notice to fix this crime problem or face the consequences at election time. Katter’s Australian Party has the answer in our youth relocation sentecning policy and I urge the government to wake up and get tough on these crims before yet more innocent […] READ MORE -
17 October 2018
Dametto calls for new tourism ventures
In parliament during October, I gave a speech outlining my vision to attract tourism investors who want to work with our community to unleash the sleeping giant that is the North. As the member for Hinchinbrook I see my new challenge to ignite ecotourism in our region. That’s why I am proud to be getting […] READ MORE -
29 August 2018
Dametto reports on Estimates hearing
On August 23, I gave a speech in parliament about my take on the recent Estimates hearings on Education and Industrial Relations as a member of the Education, Employment and Small Business Committee. Our electorate of Hinchinbrook is dealing with several issues related to these sectors and I am fighting hard to get those resolved. READ MORE -
26 July 2018
Dametto stands up for North Queensland
During a press conference in early March, I spoke of the reasons why we need a separate North Queensland state. It’s time we took back control of our own destiny. READ MORE -
26 July 2018
Call to dredge Port Hinchinbrook
I spoke to the media in late March about the urgent need to dredge Port Hinchinbrook in Cardwell. READ MORE -
26 July 2018
Dametto joins farmers protest
I proudly stood with our farmers at the front gates of parliament house in early May to protest against the proposed vegetation laws, which was debated that week. READ MORE