Statement from Nick Dametto MP – Port Hinchinbrook

Nick Dametto MP at Port Hinchinbrook.

Last week during Parliament I was joined by Cassowary Coast Regional Council (CCRC) CEO Andrew Graffen and Mayor Mark Nolan for ministerial meetings in relation to the normalisation process of Port Hinchinbrook.

We met with staff from the Energy Minister’s office to discuss possible options for Port Hinchinbrook’s streetlighting issues and I am led to believe the CCRC will now work closely with Ergon Energy to reach a resolution.

We also met with Deputy Premier Steven Miles to discuss funding opportunities for the shortfall in the Sewerage Treatment Plant project. I understand the CCRC will liaise directly with the Department of State Development on this issue however should the CCRC require my support to progress any funding avenues or any other state related matters, I am committed to assisting any way I can.

Overall, the meetings were positive and I am hopeful that good outcomes can be achieved. If anyone wishes to obtain updates about any of the above they should contact the CCRC directly.

In recent days, I, along with other community members learnt that the acid sulphate and heavy metal testing of the sediment in One Mile Creek commenced this week. I was furious to hear this especially because it was contrary to previous representations made to me by the CCRC that the testing was complete.

Understandably, the community is highly frustrated with the slow progress of Port Hinchinbrook’s normalisation process, and this has only been heightened by the absence of timely communication and updates. This latest news indicates that the dredging project is approximately three months behind schedule despite assurances that timeframes were being met.

I have worked hard to try and ensure that these Port Hinchinbrook and Cardwell projects stay on track and progress forward to completion. I have been meeting with the CCRC monthly to keep a finger on the pulse but it appears not all the information I have been provided through these meetings was accurate.

Through the many years of discourse, I have continuously supported the CCRC as they navigated the mammoth task of normalising Port Hinchinbrook and I have endeavoured to absorb as much of the community’s frustrations as possible.

It is now up to the CCRC to clearly communicate what are the hold ups, what is the timeline and what is the plan to progress this project through to fruition. And it must be explained to the public how this misinformation has occurred, someone must know?

I will always be committed to seeing Port Hinchinbrook rejuvenated to its true potential. However, until the CCRC has made a formal application to DES the progress of the project sits entirely with the proponent, the Cassowary Coast Regional Council.


Nick Dametto MP