Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto at the Queensland Nickel refinery site in Yabulu.

KATTER’S Australian Party (KAP) has called on the Federal and State police to redouble their efforts to bring Clive Palmer’s nephew, Clive Mensink, back to Australia.

The party urged both Federal and State governments to consider using all means necessary to return Mr Mensink to Australia, including cash rewards and Foreign Affairs powers.

The KAP believes the delay in serving Federal Court arrest warrants on Mr Mensink could in turn be delaying the reopening of the Queensland Nickel refinery and payments to workers and suppliers.

State KAP Leader and Member for Traeger Robbie Katter has pleaded with Mr Palmer to do everything humanly possible to get the refinery reopened and to pay workers immediately.

Mr Katter said it would be regarded “very cynically” if the reopening of the refinery conveniently coincides with the Federal election date and the matter should take precedent over any political campaign if there is any concern for the welfare of the Townsville economy.

“If Mr Mensink’s arrest is holding up payments to workers and suppliers and Mr Palmer knows where he is then he needs to own up and tell the authorities,” Mr Katter said.

“The whole situation is getting so murky and ridiculous that it’s becoming harder and harder to believe that Mr Palmer has any intention of paying workers or reopening the refinery fully.”

The KAP is shocked and dismayed that Mr Palmer has reportedly offered Mr Mensink a new executive position overseas and that the two were reportedly on a holiday cruise ship last week.

KAP Member for Hinchinbrook Nick Dametto, whose electorate is home to the Queensland Nickel refinery, said that by making the job offer to Mr Mensink, Mr Palmer has slapped North Queenslanders in the face.

“My priority is to see the refinery reopen but that appears to be slowed because the liquidators can’t conclude their investigation into Mr Palmer until they interview Mr Mensink, who in effect ran Queensland Nickel,” Mr Dametto said.

“It seems to me that the media can track down Mr Mensink and perhaps the police need to be given more powers to bring him home.

“If Clive Palmer is serious about paying the workers and fully reopening the refinery he should tell the police where Mr Mensink is or bring him home himself. I assume Clive Palmer is paying Mr Mensink’s bills.”

Mr Dametto said he had sought a meeting with Mr Palmer several weeks ago to get a commitment and clarity around the re-opening of the refinery, but Mr Palmer was still to confirm a meeting time.

“I’m looking forward to having the meeting. The agenda I’ve laid out is simple – tell us why you can’t pay former workers and suppliers and tell us exactly when you plan to reopen the refinery and how many people you will employ.

“I was quite shocked to see the media reports regarding a job offer to Mr Mensink by Mr Palmer.

“I’m sure that the hundreds of North Queenslanders still owed money by Queensland Nickel were sick to their stomach when they saw those reports. This is turning into a circus and Mr Palmer seems happy to be the ringmaster.

“His job offer to Mr Mensink is a kick in the guts to the people of North Queensland.”

Nick Dametto MP