Hinchinbrook Youth Parliament empowers future leaders

5 December 2023

The State Member for Hinchinbrook and Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Deputy Leader was honoured to act as the Speaker during the Hinchinbrook Youth Parliament event held on Monday, 4 December.

The Hinchinbrook MP stated the Hinchinbrook Youth Parliament event provided a unique opportunity for Hinchinbrook youngsters to actively participate in discussions on issues that matter to them.

“The Hinchinbrook Youth Parliament holds immense importance in shaping the future leaders of our community. It serves as an exceptional opportunity for the exchange of ideas, the development of public speaking skills, and a firsthand experience of parliamentary procedures,” Mr Dametto said.

“It goes beyond the basic understanding of parliamentary procedures; it instils in them a sense of civic responsibility and empowers them to express their concerns and shape the future of Hinchinbrook.

“There were 45 students that participated from Mount Fox State School, Macknade State School, Abergowrie State School, Toobanna State School, Forrest Beach State School, Rollingstone State School and Ingham State School.

“Students engaged in health and education debates and an adjournment debate regarding local issues.

“It was a pleasure to act as the Speaker alongside Mayor Ramon Jayo who played the role of Deputy Speaker.

“I wish to extend my appreciation to Mount Fox State School Teacher, Ms. Janna Hyrapietian, who worked tirelessly to ensure the event was a great success.”

Janna Hyrapietian stated that they decided to run local Youth Parliament to make State Parliament accessible to all local students and provide leadership opportunities for local primary schools.

“Most students who attended Youth Parliament this year also attended the Cairns Regional Parliament earlier in the year where Mr Dametto made the time to talk to our students and show them around the event,” she said.

“Year five and six students start learning about Local, State and Federal Parliament in HASS (Histories and Social Sciences) and this provides hands on and interactive learning with a real context and real people who work in politics.

“We have many bright aspiring students in our region who are going to be the next leaders in our community. Therefore, it is important that they have local experiences that promote this and for them to see their potential.”



Nick Dametto MP