Dametto Urges Crisafulli Government to Go All the Way – Implement Castle Law and Relocation Sentencing

Hinchinbrook MP and KAP Deputy Leader, Nick Dametto.
Dametto Urges Crisafulli Government to Go All the Way – Implement Castle Law and Relocation Sentencing
With youth crime continue to spiral out of control across Queensland, Hinchinbrook MP and Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Deputy Leader Nick Dametto is calling on the Crisafulli Government to adopt Castle Law as part of the ‘Making Queensland Safer’ legislation and to work collaboratively with the KAP in the design of a Relocation Sentencing strategy for repeat youth offenders.
Mr Dametto said the new government must take a harder stance on crime than the previous administration, to deliver laws tough enough to prevent young criminals from ever wanting to reoffend.
“The Crisafulli Government has already adopted parts of KAP’s youth crime strategy including, removal of detention as a last resort, adult crime = adult time, and Relocation Sentencing (in principle). But that alone will not be enough,” Mr Dametto said.
“If they’re serious about adult crime = adult time, then they need to make it clear which crimes are included and, importantly, have a plan on where they’ll house the extra offenders.
“There’s no room in traditional detention centres, and if the LNP want to legislate adult crime = adult time before Christmas, they must fully adopt KAP’s Relocation Sentencing policy if they are going to stand any chance of incarcerating those offenders while not sending the State broke.
“Our Relocation Sentencing policy is ready to go—it’s a practical solution that would take offenders out of urban areas and put them in a structured, isolated setting. We are happy to sit down with the LNP and work on this model together. After all, we’ve spent the best part of a decade building this regional solution with, and on behalf of, the people of North Queensland.
“The former Labor government refused to work collaboratively and limited input on youth crime to their own party’s echo chamber. This played a huge part in their failure on youth crime and inevitably led to their poor election outcomes. We don’t want to see the LNP government repeat the mistakes of those before them.
“In addition to sending youth offenders bush for an extended period, we also want to see self-defence laws with more bite for those fist-time offenders who may be thinking about starting a life of crime. Castle Law would give Queenslanders the right to defend their families and property by whatever means necessary. This would act as the deterrent that’s been missing for too long.”
“Queenslanders deserve to feel safe in their own homes and communities, and that won’t happen with half-measures. The hard work’s been done in building the policies—now it’s up to the LNP government to push any political emotions aside, and work together with the North Queensland community and KAP MPs to get the job done.”