Dametto seeks matched funding for sewage plant

Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto at Port Hinchinbrook.

Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto has called on the Federal Government for assistance as Katter’s Australian Party continues to fight for funding necessary to build a new Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) at Port Hinchinbrook.

Mr Dametto said the key to turning around the Port Hinchinbrook development would be an affordable, council-run STP and he is more than willing to join Bob Katter to “lead the charge” when it came to lobbying the Federal government to match recently secured State funding of $4.3 million for the new plant.

“Currently, figures released in a survey addressed to Porth Hinchinbrook residents indicates that without the Federal Government matching the State’s funding, charges for a sewage service could be as high as $4500 per annum for residents. No-one could possibly afford that,” he said.

“After I spoke with Kennedy MP Bob Katter in October, Mr Katter wrote to Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack and Assistant Minister for Waste Reduction and Environmental Management Trevor Evans requesting that the Federal Government match funding for the STP.”

In his letters, Mr Katter said it was “simply unconscionable to me that I find myself in a position to lobby your government to assist in providing a basic human right of successfully flushing your toilet”.

“We simply cannot expect to grow this great nation through beneficial infrastructure development if we are unable to support communities with such a basic essential service and the minimum required foundations to promote economic growth in this electorate,” Mr Katter wrote.

During a teleconference last Friday, Mr Katter, Mr Dametto and Cassowary Coast Mayor Mark Nolan spoke about the best way forward to secure the required Federal grant funding.

“Ultimately, we need everyone singing off the same song sheet if we are to solve this long standing issue that directly affects these Cassowary Coast ratepayers. They deserve to be able to have some certainty around flushing the toilet but should not be forced to cough up such an exorbitant amount for what is a basic service,” Mr Dametto said.

“Mr Katter and I will continue to work with Cr Nolan and his fellow councillors to support every effort to secure Federal funding for the STP. However, what is required is a strong, united approach by all levels of representation to bring the Feds to the table.”