Dametto leads Ingham debate

Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto put in a strong performance in his second debate of the election campaign
HINCHINBROOK MP Nick Dametto has laid out a comprehensive plan for the electorate after putting in another solid performance at the second debate of his campaign.
Following a strong start in his online debate on Wednesday night hosted by the Townsville Bulletin, Mr Dametto answered the tough questions once more in the Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce Industry and Tourism’s candidates debate at Ingham’s J L Kelly Theatre on Thursday night.
“This was another good opportunity to showcase Katter’s Australian Party’s plan for Hinchinbrook if re-elected,” Mr Dametto said.
“Some candidates either didn’t have a straight answer to clear questions on policy or proposed extreme ideas that were not only unworkable, but hindering to the development of North Queensland.”
Mr Dametto was able to detail several policies that a KAP-led government will introduce through parliament, including legislation to repeal Labor’s farm-destroying reef regulations, expanding the first home-owners grant to include existing homes under $300,000 in regional areas and relocation sentencing that would curb youth crime.
“It’s these policies, coupled with nation-building infrastructure projects like the North Queensland Bio-Energy sugar mill that will help Hinchinbrook fully realise the economic impact of COVID-19,” he said.
“I enjoyed the retorts from the other candidates, but in my rebuttals I was able to demonstrate it takes more than buzz words and dot points to understand the complexity of some of these bigger projects.”
Mr Dametto was also given the opportunity to highlight his achievements while in office during the debate.
“I was able to touch on funding wins like more than $160 million I’ve secured for road infrastructure, $4.3 million for Port Hinchinbrook’s Sewage Treatment Plant and $1.2 million to repair Lucinda jetty. But for me, the most rewarding part of the past three years has been connecting with our community and solving some of the smaller day-to-day State government departmental problems for constituents,” he said.
“This term, we’ve also get rid of Ingham’s bat colony by working with the local council and Biodiversity Australia. We were able to do what others had never attempted in the Hinchinbrook Shire. We found a way to work within the current legislation to solve a problem.
“On a very compassionate topic, I also shared with the audience how the KAP secured the passage of legislation to change disability parking laws that allowed the vision-impaired access to those very parking spaces.”
Mr Dametto said after a successful term, he was “determined as ever” to continue building the momentum that is necessary to drive Hinchinbrook forward.
“Crop diversification and building our tourism industry are two ways of securing our region’s future. Industry-enabling infrastructure, like weirs and grain silos, will also be necessary to achieve this but the biggest hold-up for us is the environmental constraints being applied to our area,” he said.
“The LNP and Labor only care about Brisbane. Katter’s Australian Party will fight tooth and nail to accelerate the North and put our constituents first,” he said.