Dametto challenges Labor to “Go Galilee”

Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto says the State Labor Government needs to unleash mining in the Galilee Basin with a State-owned rail line or face electoral oblivion.

THE State Labor Government needs to unleash mining in the Galilee Basin with a State-owned rail line or face electoral oblivion, says Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto.

The bold call follows Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s announcement this morning that she wanted Adani, the State Coordinator-General and Environment Department to meet tomorrow to work out a timeline for final environmental approvals.

“The Premier’s announcement is nothing more than gross hypocrisy from a limp government and is short-sighted,” Mr Dametto said.

“The government needs to do more than just approve one mine in the Galilee Basin. There’s several that are just waiting to go but they need some State-owned infrastructure to underpin it. After all, whoever owns the rail line will control the Galilee.

“Having a rail line owned by one mining company just won’t work for other operators there. Everyone should be able to get fair access.”

Mr Dametto said the Premier’s backflip on Adani was “cold comfort to thousands of North Queenslanders desperate for jobs”.

“These people have seen this government play political games with their livelihoods and the economy for years,” he said.

“Just a few weeks ago we had the Premier refusing to meet with Adani representatives until after the approval process had been finalised and now, following a

Federal election which saw her party decimated in Queensland, we have this sort of back-peddling.

“She obviously had no regard for those on struggle street in Townsville prior to the election, who would love to get a job in mining and provide for their families.

“Quite frankly, I’m disgusted. This is nothing more than appeasement politics in the false hope that Labor stands a chance in the North come the State election next year.”

Mr Dametto said he had a clear warning for Labor MPs in the North.

“Katter’s Australian Party is coming for you. We will be relentless in reminding voters just how badly you have let them down. You have ignored them. You have made them suffer. And all because you didn’t have the backbone to stand up to the green extremists in your own party and tell them to go jump,” he said.

“The KAP will never take North Queenslanders for granted. We will always fight for our region and most importantly, jobs.”

Mr Dametto said the only way the Premier can “fix the mess she has created” was by giving the green light to Adani and building a State-owned rail line through the Galilee.

“If the Premier continues to ignore the North, mark my words, there will be hell to pay for Labor come election time,” he said.

“We have had enough.”