The Great LNP Vanishing Act – When the Going Gets Tough, They Get Going…

Hinchinbrook MP and KAP Deputy Leader Nick Dametto and Traeger MP and KAP Leader Robbie Katter

21 October 2024

In April this year, the ALP and LNP joined forces to sign Queensland up for higher electricity costs by voting for a 75% emissions reduction target by 2035—all in the name of achieving net zero. Today, Queenslanders are seeing the consequences in the form of skyrocketing power bills.

Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) have consistently called out the LNP to see if they truly stand by this position, or if they were willing to set the record straight and acknowledge the financial pain being caused to Queensland families.

In June 2024, KAP moved a motion in Parliament requesting that the House (a) Acknowledge that Queensland contributes less than 0.4% of global emissions; (b) Acknowledge that the recently legislated emissions targets are costing everyday Queenslanders more during a cost-of-living crisis; and (c) Take all necessary steps to reverse the 75% emissions targets agreed to by both sides of the House.

According to Hinchinbrook MP and KAP Deputy Leader Nick Dametto the result was nothing but pure political cowardice from the LNP as they evacuated the chamber with military precision to abstain from voting on the motion.

“No surprises, the Labor Party stuck to their guns and voted No, as did the Greens. But the real shock came from the LNP, who didn’t even have the spine to vote. When given the chance to defend their decision to support these outrageous emissions targets, the LNP ran,” Mr Dametto said.

“Electricity bills are through the roof, and it’s only going to get worse if we stay on this pathway. Queensland contributes less than 0.4% of global emissions, yet we’ve been saddled with emission targets that are completely out of step with reality. People are struggling to make ends meet, and these targets are only making life harder.

“Instead of owning up to the fact that these emissions targets are driving up the cost of electricity for Queenslanders, the LNP hid from public scrutiny. Now no one knows for sure if their vote for emissions targets was a mistake, or if it was a true indication of the underlying green ideology creeping through the Queensland LNP. Currently, they’re a party that can’t even stand by their own policies.

“Queenslanders deserve better than a party that can’t even stand by its own decisions. As energy prices continue to climb, KAP will keep fighting for sensible policies that protect Queenslanders from being priced out of the market by their own government.

“The LNP might know how to clear a room when things get tough, but KAP will keep showing up, fighting for fairness and common-sense energy policy.

“Queenslanders deserve representatives who will stand up for them, not run away when the questions get tough. As we head into the final week of polling, those yet to cast their vote should consider carefully if who they are voting for is going to put their neck on the line for them.”