Red flag for all – Alarm raised by KAP on attack on liberties of all Queenslanders

KAP MPs Shane Knuth for Hill, Nick Dametto for Hinchinbrook and Robbie Katter for Traeger.

21 May 2024

Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) have come out today renewing their denunciation of the Queensland Community Safety Bill, citing severe concerns over the erosion of civil liberties and the potential devastating impact that the poorly drafted legislation will have on the broader community.

The bill, which is cloaked in anti-gun and ‘safety’ rhetoric, has come under fire for posing significant risks to the freedoms of all Queenslanders, including licensed firearm holders. In its current form, the bill will empower police with unprecedented powers beyond what is already in place and what is necessary to maintain the peace and good order of Queensland.

Nick Dametto MP, Deputy Leader of the KAP and Member for Hinchinbrook, expressed his alarm over the bill saying that it was a direct attack on the rights and freedoms of Queenslanders.

“We’re heading in a direction only Communist China would be proud of,” he said.

“This bill will allow the government to monitor not only what firearms people possess but when, where and how much ammunition they purchase.

“Most alarmingly, this bill will give the Commissioner the power to issue people with 60-day Firearm Prohibition Orders based on nothing more than hearsay. Even after being issued with an order, the person isn’t permitted to be told what led to the order. Does natural justice not apply in Queensland anymore?

“The government is yet to provide any concrete evidence on how these changes would enhance public safety. Police already have robust powers to revoke and confiscate weapon licenses immediately, and it is illegal for unlicensed individuals to possess firearms. This bill does nothing but threaten law-abiding citizens with a stripping of any individual liberty.”

KAP Leader, and Member for Traeger Robbie Katter echoed Mr Dametto’s concern, saying this bill was a slippery slope, affecting all Queenslanders.

“This bill has nothing to do with firearms,” he said.

“This bill targets and potentially smears the character of all Queenslanders based on association alone!

“When we are on a unity ticket with the Queensland Law Society, Queensland Council of Civil Liberties, and even the Australian Human Rights Commission in our condemnation of this bill and the unacceptably rushed consultation timeframe, that says volumes.”

Shane Knuth MP, Member for Hill said that you know there is something wrong with legislation when a government tries to fast-track any bills before the House without proper consultation.

“We saw the Newman Government do this one or twice and now we are seeing the Labor Government doing just before the election,” he said.

“There is clearly something they are trying to hide from the public and the only way to overcome this is to open the bill up to genuine community consultation.

“Without meaningful consultation and input, this bill will not achieve its purpose of improving Queensland community safety.”

The KAP, in consultation with stakeholders, are calling on the Queensland Government to immediately withdraw the bill entirely and engage in genuine community and stakeholder consultation for a minimum of three months.