Statement Nick Dametto MP – Premier’s Resignation

KAP State Members Shane Knuth MP, Robbie Katter MP and Nick Dametto MP.

10 December 2023

I wish to respond to today’s announcement made by the Premier that she will be resigning as of the end of the week and retiring from politics. As the Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Deputy Leader and Hinchinbrook MP, I would like to acknowledge Premier Anastacia Palaszczuk for her commitment and service to the role of Premier over the past nine years. As a fellow parliamentarian I respect the hours and sacrifice that goes into undertaking such a role.

 Katter’s Australian Party Members have often sat at different ends of the political spectrum to the Premier and her party, which often was the case due to the regions we represent. Putting all of that aside, on behalf of KAP I wish the Premier well in her retirement from politics and future endeavours.